What Is Internal Carbon Pricing and Why Should Companies Use It?
A hodgepodge of regulations around the world has resulted in nearly a quarter of global emissions fa...
Read MoreSustainability Leaders Call for Expanding Carbon Credit Use
Why Government and Sustainability Leaders Are Calling for Expanded Use of Carbon Credits The sustainability industry can...
Top 10 Contributors to CO2 Pollution in the US in 2024
Top 10 Contributors to CO2 Pollution in the US in 2024 As the fight against climate change continues, understanding the...
Carbon Offset vs. Carbon Credit: Understanding the Language of Climate Action
In the fight against climate change, we often hear terms like "carbon offset" and "carbon credit". While they are often...
New Rules Tell Companies How to Implement and Communicate Climate Strategy
New Rules: How to Implement and Communicate Climate Strategy for Companies 2023 was a big year for climate action. We saw...
Welcome to a New Era of Sustainability
The Power of Choice: Why It Matters In a world as diverse as ours, where everyone carries a unique set of values, priorities, and passions, choice becomes a beacon of empowerment. When it comes to sustainability, this notion holds a profound significance. At Terrapass, ...
What Will Be the 6 Biggest Environmental Problems of 2024?
For decades, new government policies and activism have helped us make big strides in environmental protection. However, the world continues to see higher temperatures, leading to severe weather events, flooding, drought, wildfires, and more. But what environmental chall...
GHG Emissions Reduction Audit Checklist for Building Owners
Buildings account for about 40% of global CO2 emissions, so it’s no wonder why so much focus goes toward green building systems and reduced emissions from corporate structures. Reducing this structural carbon footprint can help counter climate change and push us towar...
What Does the New VCMI Code Mean for Carbon Credit Usage?
What Does the New VCMI Code Mean for Carbon Credit Usage? The carbon credit/carbon offset market has been a topic of both celebration and contention. Purchasing carbon credits can fund climate benefit projects like reforestation that ultimately help the world mitigate c...