Ten Tips for an Eco-Friendly Memorial Day

“The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.”  America wouldn’t be the great country it is without the sacrifices of so many honorable men and women. Commemorating Memorial Day in an eco-friendly manner is a wonderful way to celebrate our country and pay our respects to those who serve and protect our great nation. Here are 10 ways to green your Memorial Day festivities.

  1. Invite neighbors and friends who live within walking or biking distance so they won’t have to use pollution-inducing transportation.
  2. Head to the farmer’s market! With a little more free time on your hands, it’s the perfect weekend to browse your neighborhood farmer’s market for the freshest summer produce.
  3. Use those fresh ingredients to cook up vegetables, pastas, and delicious summer salads instead of relying on heavy beef products that require thousands of gallons of water and lots of energy to sustain and produce.
  4. Grill with natural gas. Cooking outdoors requires less energy than heating up your stove or oven.    And a natural gas grill is the greener method, as opposed to charcoal and wood grills.
  5. Use washable and reusable plates, cups, napkins and table linens. Pop everything into the dishwasher when you’ve finished and make cleanup an energy-efficient breeze!
  6. If you’re heading out of town for the holiday weekend, read our previous blog post on the greenest way to get to your destination and how to offset the carbon emissions your journey creates.
  7. Visit a state park or other natural wonder near your home. Enjoy the gorgeous weather while appreciating our country’s native beauty.
  8. Taking advantage of Memorial Day sales? Scope out stores and brands that take sustainability seriously and remember to recycle or donate a few items from your home before bringing in new ones.
  9. Plant a tree in honor of our fallen heroes. You’ll make a beautiful tribute while adding natural, green beauty to your surroundings.
  10. Balance out the carbon footprint your party creates with carbon offsets from Terrapass. For just a few dollars, your purchase of carbon offsets will support renewable energy projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow climate change. Get more information and purchase your Terrapass carbon offsets today!

Another Chance To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint. Learn More

For more news on the environment and climate change, check the Terrapass Footprint Blog each week for a new post that will keep you updated and informed. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook, where we’re always sharing tips and information on living an eco-friendly, green lifestyle.

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