A lone polar bear stands stranded on a shrinking island of ice. A family struggles to put their lives back together after the devastation of Hurricane Sandy. A farmer halfway around the world prays for his crops to grow in a drought-afflicted region.
These are only a few of the images – and the faces — of climate change. With Earth Day 2013 rapidly approaching (Monday, April 22nd), individuals, communities and governments alike are joining forces to bring to life this year’s theme: The Face of Climate Change.
Earth Day, April 22nd, is the one day a year that unites countries around the world in the fight against global warming and climate change. Earth Day brings us together to celebrate the environment and to focus on solutions for the increasingly fragile state of our planet.
Are you prepared for Earth Day? This year marks Earth Day’s 43rd anniversary, and sources estimate that over one billion people worldwide will participate. Individuals, communities, businesses, organizations and governments are planning a number of events, celebrations, and festivals for the occasion.
Here are a few of the most significant happenings around the globe this Earth Day:
United States
- Earth Day Celebration in Seattle, Washington
- EarthFair 2013 in San Diego
- University Events and Campaigns
- Earth Day on the National Mall
- St. Louis Earth Day Festival
- Earth Day Houston
- Earth Day San Francisco
- The Nelson Institute Earth Day Conference w/Guest Speaker Jane Goodall
- The official Earth Day Canada Website
- Earth Day Canada Gala
- Clean Toronto Together
- Victoria’s Earth Walk
- Edmonton’s Earth Day Festival
- Earth Day British Columbia
- Earth Day Ontario
- Earth Day Quebec
- Earth Day Nova Scotia
- A Billion Acts of Green
- Earth Day and Islam
- Digital Mosaic of Face of Climate Change
Make your voice heard! Visit www.earthday.org/2013 to send your personal stories and images that exemplify this year’s theme, “The Face of Climate Change.” On Earth Day, a global mosaic of stories received will go live via interactive display at thousands of events around the world.
Be sure to stay tuned later in the week for some tips on how to extend Earth Day all year long – Earth Day is Every Day! Together, we can be the face of solving climate change.
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