I’m not done with the background material on additionality, but I do want to start to discuss how additionality is measured in actual practice, as a prelude to focusing more specifically on the Tontitown project review. One way you don’t measure...
Yesterday I posed the question, “Why all the fuss about additionality?” Today I answer that question. Recall that you hear at least two lines of argument about why we should stop worrying about strict additionality. The first is that strict additionality...
As a starting point for our review of project additionality, it’s worth stepping back for a second and posing a motivating question: what’s the big deal about additionality? It’s helpful to define terms, so here once again is a stock definition of...
It’s pretty much going to be all additionality all the time here for the next week. Alongside the research we do into the Tontitown project, we’re also going to delve deeply into the policy questions around additionality. Essentially, we’re going to...