For years the debate has raged – should you deck your halls with a real Christmas tree or an artificial one? Real trees fill your home with a magical, wintry, seasonal scent, yet there are deforestation and climate change concerns associated with them....
You’re probably hearing a lot about buying carbon offsets these days, from large tech companies like Google utilizing them in their strategy to become carbon-neutral – to airlines offering them to balance out your flight’s carbon footprint. And while the concept...
Weddings generally mean BIG carbon footprints. Think invitations, food and drink, venue, entertainment, family and friends’ travel, flowers and the energy it takes to keep the whole production flowing. Even if you generally lead an environmentally conscious...
The holidays are a perfect time to cherish the ones you love, including Mother Earth. But seasonal travel can do a number on the planet. How do you keep your carbon footprint from looking like a Yeti’s in the snow while still enjoying your vacation? In addition to...
What do you know about carbon offsets? Maybe you’re thinking about purchasing them to offset the pollution you create in your daily activities or perhaps you’ve already bought them as holiday gifts for family, friends and colleagues? Either way, you probably want to...