Where: COP21 is taking place in Paris, France When: COP21 began on November 30th and ends on December 11th, 2015 What is COP21? 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21/CMP11) Global leaders have once again...
On June 8th, we celebrate World Oceans Day. It is an important occasion for everyone because oceans create many of the elements we need to survive. Everything from seafood delicacies to medicine ingredients – it all comes from the deep blue. Similar to our forests,...
Like a frog in slowly heated water, we don’t tend to notice momentous changes happening right around us if they’re happening slowly enough. One such change, a big, momentous, but oh-so-slow change, made itself visible just briefly last month and it’s worth...
The Sequester automatically went into effect on March 1. Hopefully you’ve done your fair share of reading on the topic, and you understand how we got ourselves into this pickle. $85 billion will be cut from the federal budget by the end of the year, and a blunt...
I was emailing with a friend the other day, bemoaning the way I’ve been flying much more than I want to. Lately I’ve become a fan of the new Skype beta, which allows 3-way video. The service is good enough that I have been able to cut out some air travel,...