Renewable Energy Solutions

Smarter, better renewable energy uniquely suited for large energy consumers


Terrapass’ renewable energy implementation team brings custom renewable energy solutions to large energy users seeking long-term benefits.  Best suited for companies with megawatt-scale energy demand, these solutions draw from three different approaches:


[toggle title=”New renewable energy”]For companies with long-term objectives, nothing speaks greater volumes than bringing new renewable energy to the grid. Behind-the-meter or not, onsite or offsite, Terrapass identifies renewable resources tailored to your requirements and assesses economic and regulatory feasibility to crystallize viable options. We support you through the entire project approval and implementation process, from achieving buy-in across your organization to managing the subcontractors necessary for project implementation… whatever’s required to bring the project to fruition.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Bundled energy offtake”]Terrapass helps companies meet both energy and sustainability goals simultaneously through direct renewable energy purchase contracts. With expertise in the economic, environmental, and regulatory details, Terrapass identifies and implements purchase contracts between large energy users and renewable energy projects, often creating a long-term energy price hedge in the process. We’ve implemented solutions in both regulated and de-regulated energy markets across the country.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Customized and/or longterm Renewable Energy Credit portfolio”]Terrapass helps companies enhance the effectiveness of their RECs with our REC purchase planning program. For example, large purchasers can establish project-specific relationships and marketing rights, can select projects which foster multiple company goals, can build credibility through relationships with renewable energy development companies, and can protect their brand and other interests through Terrapass’ project-specific due diligence process.[/toggle]