Sustainable Living

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Know Your Footprint

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According the The Union of Concerned Scientists, the average carbon emissions per person in the United States is 17.62 mT per person, or the equivalent to keeping 3.7 passenger cars on the road for a year. Our carbon footprints come from a variety of sources including the following:

personal sustainability Terrapass

Additional carbon emissions come from the energy and materials used to produce the products we buy.


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Landfill Gas

Capture Landfill gas capture projects turn garbage into power. As organic waste breaks down it releases methane, a greenhouse gas 21 times more powerful than CO2. According to the EPA landfills are the third largest source of methane emissions in the United States. Through the installation of gas collection and control systems, these projects not only result in the destruction of powerful green house gases, but the gas can also be burned in a generator to create renewable electricity

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Landfill Gas

Capture Landfill gas capture projects turn garbage into power. As organic waste breaks down it releases methane, a greenhouse gas 21 times more powerful than CO2. According to the EPA landfills are the third largest source of methane emissions in the United States. Through the installation of gas collection and control systems, these projects not only result in the destruction of powerful green house gases, but the gas can also be burned in a generator to create renewable electricity



Farm Power Terrapass works with farms in communities across the United States to make the best possible use of animal waste. Through the use of anaerobic digesters, methane is captured as the manure breaks down and is then destroyed when it is burned as a fuel to produce electricity. Additionally these digesters can also produce a variety of other products that help the farm and reduce environmental impact. The fibrous material can be separated, dried and used as bedding while the liquid effluent can be used as fertilizer. Anaerobic digestion also aids local communities by helping to reduce water pollution and odor associated with animal husbandry.

Clean Energy from Wind Farms Wind energy displaces electricity that is generated by dirty fossil fuels like gas and coal (the way that most power is currently generated in the United States). In this sense, the amount of carbon dioxide emissions that are avoided depends upon the “carbon profile” of the electricity grid where the energy is produced. The carbon profile of each regional grid is calculated periodically by the US Environmental Protection Agency by adding up the weighted average carbon dioxide emissions of all commercial energy sources on that regional grid.

Clean Energy from Wind Farms Wind energy displaces electricity that is generated by dirty fossil fuels like gas and coal (the way that most power is currently generated in the United States). In this sense, the amount of carbon dioxide emissions that are avoided depends upon the “carbon profile” of the electricity grid where the energy is produced. The carbon profile of each regional grid is calculated periodically by the US Environmental Protection Agency by adding up the weighted average carbon dioxide emissions of all commercial energy sources on that regional grid.

Coal mines are a major source of methane emissions in the US, as methane gas naturally exists in coal beds and is released into the atmosphere through mine shafts. Methane escapes both from active mines and from abandoned mines that have reached the end of their useful life. Terrapass only supports methane capture projects at abandoned coal mines, as we seek avoid providing any benefit or incentive to companies involved in mining operations. Like other methane capture projects, powerful greenhouse gases are destroyed and can also be used to generate electricity, thus providing a “double” benefit

Farm Power Terrapass works with farms in communities across the United States to make the best possible use of animal waste. Through the use of anaerobic digesters, methane is captured as the manure breaks down and is then destroyed when it is burned as a fuel to produce electricity. Additionally these digesters can also produce a variety of other products that help the farm and reduce environmental impact. The fibrous material can be separated, dried and used as bedding while the liquid effluent can be used as fertilizer. Anaerobic digestion also aids local communities by helping to reduce water pollution and odor associated with animal husbandry.

Sustainability Tips

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Start leading a sustainable life by following the three T’s.

Transport – Limit the amount of energy you use getting from place to place. If you really want to make a lasting dent in your carbon footprint, look no further than your daily commute. Walk, bike, carpool, or bus to work every day, and save your car for special occasions.


Turn Off – It’s as simple as using less electricity. Make sure anything that uses energy is cut off when you’re not using it. Major appliances, such as dishwashers, dryers, and hot water heaters use major amounts of energy. Hand wash dishes, dry clothes outside, and take short showers.


Trash – It’s scary how much waste we generate every day without thinking. Pay attention to packaging, refill water bottles, reuse grocery bags, and see how long you can go without creating any trash. And if you do, make sure it’s recyclable.

Take the First Step.

Start small. Be conscious of the impact your actions have on the environment and figure out what you can do to lessen the blow. Calculate, conserve, and offset.