Golden State Pet Crematorium
At the Golden State Pet Crematorium we understand that losing a pet is like losing a close friend, and we believe that all beloved companions should receive a special and dignified farewell.Established in 1991 by pet owners for pet owners, GSPC provides a range of pet cremation services and urn options for bereaved pet owners.We are a carbon neutral company. We work with an environmental focus and we have elected to offset our carbon emissions with Terrapass. We are balancing emissions created by our business site, two cremations units as well as the vehicles we use to service our clients and hospitals. Our carbon offset is furthered due to the number of people choosing our Memorial Tree or Bios Urn; We are adding trees to our landscape, in addition to our carbon offset. Similarly, our urn portfolio is either made of recycled timber, biodegradable cardboard or green timber (bamboo). This further reduces our footprint. All our urn products are also made in the USA meaning no transporting cost (more C02) and more jobs for US citizens.
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