Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council
The Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council serves businesses in Wisconsin that are interested in sustainability, “greening”, corporate social responsibility or corporate citizenship. The Council’s focus is on educating Wisconsin businesses, facilitating information exchange, helping businesses assess their sustainability progress, and recognizing businesses that are moving in a more sustainable direction.The goal of the Council is to establish Wisconsin not only as a destination for “sustainable businesses”, but as a home for businesses from all sectors with an interest in sustainability. The Council also creates opportunities for businesses to learn from each other. Case studies and other technical assistance documents are available on the website.The WI Sustainable Business Council Conference has become an annual December event, and rotates between Madison, Milwaukee and the Fox Valley. Materials and videos from past conferences are available at http://www.wisconsinsustainability.com/previous-conferences/.The Council developed and oversees the Green Masters Program (http://greenmastersprogram.com/), one of the country’s most comprehensive sustainability assessment and recognition programs, and produces the annual State of Wisconsin Sustainability Report. Finally, we purchase offsets for the carbon footprint of our annual conference. The WI Sustainable Business Conference is an annual gathering of private sector sustainability leaders. Businesses hear from other businesses about how they are approaching a variety of sustainability topics, from what information is gathered, to how reporting is done, to how they are working with their supply chain. We have adopted a sustainable event policy and strive to always walk our talk, including purchasing carbon credits.
Visit our website at wisconsinsustainability.com