AgreenaCarbon Project

Project TypeSoil Carbon

What They DoThis project works with farmers across Europe including UK, Denmark, Ukraine, Romania, and more countries to accelerate the shift to regenerative agricultural practices that rebuild soil organic matter, sequester carbon and enhance biodiversity. The project reduces and removes more than 1 million tons of carbon per year.

  • WHERE THEY AREEU, Multiple States

About This Project

  • The project promotes the implementation of regenerative farming practices, including reduced or no tillage, mulching of crop residues, cover cropping and organic fertilizer use, to deliver emissions reductions and soil carbon removals.
  • Regenerative agriculture is a vital nature-climate solution to improve soil health, biodiversity and climate resilience across Europe including UK, Denmark, Ukraine, Romania, and more
  • Agreena’s project supports and incentivizes farmers to shift to regenerative farming by drawing in finance from carbon credits to cover the initial costs of the transition, such as new farm machinery investments and temporary production yield losses.
  • Agreena is currently working with thousands of farmers across 4.5 million hectares of arable farmland, providing access to carbon finance that will make their farms more resilient to climate change and economically viable in the long term.    

Sustainability Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, are a set of 17 interconnected goals established by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all by 2030. The SDGs build upon the earlier Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) but are broader in scope, encompassing a wide range of economic, social, and environmental issues. They provide a comprehensive framework for addressing global challenges and achieving a more sustainable and equitable world. This project has the following sustainability development goals that are displayed.

To learn more about all SDGs, please click here

Project Identification Number


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