Terrapass Coin Projects
Updated on Sept 1, 2021
Minted to Date:
Project Type | Geography | Project Name | Registry | Vintage | Amount (metric tons) |
Wind | US Texas | Capricorn Ridge 4 | VCS | 2019 | 15,000 |
Landfill Gas | US Pennsylvania | Greater Lebanon Refuse Authority Landfill Gas Collection and Combustion Project | VCS | 2017 | 10,000 |
Greater Lebanon Refuse Authority
A significant by-product of waste decomposition is landfill gas, which is similar to natural gas. The Greater Lebanon Refuse Authority, in cooperation with EPP Service Company LLC, operates a collection program that burns landfill gas to produce electricity. What was originally an environmental hazard and a smelly problem is now a benefit to our integrated solid waste management system.
Capricorn Ridge Wind Energy Center
This Wind Energy Center, owned and operated by NextEra Energy resources, LLC, generates a capacity of 364 megawatts of wind energy. Not only does it generate wind power without any air or water pollution, it also supports the economy in Coke and Sterling counties, Texas, by providing employment opportunities, adding tax base to the counties, delivering payments to landowners and allowing land to remain in agricultural use.