World Population Day

July 11 marks World Population Day.  What’s World Population Day, you might ask?  World Population Day was started by the United Nations in 1989 and it seeks to raise awareness of global population issues and how these matters relate to family planning, gender equality, poverty, health and human rights. Now, in 2017, many concerned with environmental issues believe that overpopulation is contributing to the intensity of climate change.

Some argue that as the world’s population increases, so will global temperatures, turning the planet into an over-heated “post-apocalyptic” danger zone, and the only way to “save” children from climate change and harm is to not have them. Others, however, aren’t willing to give up the dream of having a family, and instead note that becoming a parent has motivated them to care even more about the environment.

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Many people believe they can teach their children to live more sustainable lives, avoiding unnecessary energy use and shrinking their carbon footprints. For the average American, living an environmentally friendly, green lifestyle will save about 488 metric tons of CO2 emissions over 80 years. A person who decides to have one less child will save 9,441 metric tons of carbon emissions. You can see for yourself how much each of us contributes to world pollution and climate change.

So what’s the answer for would-be parents who care about the future of the planet? Carbon offsets, renewable energy credits and water restoration certificates provide a great starting point. These three products – available from Terrapass – offset environmental damage by supporting projects across the country that remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, increase renewable energy and aid in sustainable water restoration efforts. These projects include landfill gas capture (turning garbage and harmful methane into powerful, renewable energy), farm power (turning animal waste into electricity), clean energy wind farms and abandoned coal mine methane capture (turning harmful methane gas from coal mines into clean, renewable energy).

World population is a serious concern when it comes to global warming. However, smart environmental solutions, such as mitigating your carbon footprint and supporting renewable energy, are solid, meaningful responses to a tough problem.

For more news on the environment, climate change and living a sustainable lifestyle, visit the Terrapass Footprint Blog, where each week we’re posting new articles to keep you updated and informed. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook, where we’re always sharing tips and information on living in eco-friendly, green style.

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