Step Towards a Greener Future Georgia

Carbon credits to reduce your environmental impact.

Get Started

What is a Carbon Footprint?

Like an actual footprint, a carbon footprint is a mark left on the environment with every action that releases carbon. Regular activities such as driving to work, shopping, traveling, eating red meat, and doing laundry, directly or indirectly cause carbon release. The more fossil fuels that are burned to support your activities, the larger your carbon footprint will be.

A carbon footprint represents the total amount of carbon dioxide emissions produced due to an individual’s or business’s actions over a time period.

The average American produces 15 Metric tons* of CO2 per year. That’s equivalent to filling your car with 1,688** gallons of gas!

Terrapass can help you achieve a more sustainable lifestyle by reducing your carbon footprint with our high-quality carbon credits.

What Can You Do Georgia?

There are plenty of ways to reduce your carbon footprint. From small changes in your everyday life to purchasing carbon credits – it’s easier than you might think.


Six Easy Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint in Georgia

You can do many simple things in your daily life to put the environment first and work towards achieving a sustainable lifestyle.

human and bike

Walk or bike to destinations.

grown food

Eat more locally grown food.

laundry machine

Use the cold-water cycle for laundry and do full loads.

recycle items

Recycle or repurpose items, keeping them out of the landfill.


Turn off lights when not needed.

water filter

Avoid bottled water by using a home water filtration system instead.

Carbon Credits – Fully Erase Your Impact Georgia

scenic view

Carbon credits allow individuals and organizations to offset their carbon footprint by investing in carbon-reducing or carbon-sequestering projects (carbon removal from the atmosphere and storing it). Carbon offsetting aims to reduce all or a portion of a carbon footprint.

Supporting sustainability through carbon credit projects benefits the environment by mitigating the harmful effects of climate change. Our carbon credits have contributed to reduced mercury, volatile organic compounds, and groundwater contamination, benefiting the communities where the projects are based.

Together with Terrapass, you can stand up for the environment and erase your carbon footprint Georgia.

Explore our range of affordable products and subscription plans.

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Your Purchase Supports These Projects & Others Like Them

From supporting reforestation and sustainable development to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through wind energy plants, our projects support local communities worldwide and function to create a greener, cleaner future.

Mexico Forest Project Protocol

Restauración Forestal

This project fights CO2 emissions b..

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Energy Industries (Renewable / Non-renewable Sources)

Akinci Hydroelectric Power Plant​

The project supplies renewable elec..

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Forest Carbon

Massachusetts Tri-City Forestry Project

The project aims to enhance carbon ..

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Industrial Process Emissions

A-Gas V14​

This project mitigates greenhouse g..

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Energy Industries (Renewable / Non-renewable Sources)

Ghani Solar Renewable Power Project by Greenko Group​

This project constructs and operate..

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Landfill Gas Capture / Combustion

Gaston County Landfill Gas Destruction Project

The project reduces greenhouse gas ..

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where does my money go when I buy a Terrapass carbon credits?

When you buy carbon credits from Terrapass, your purchase supports emissions reduction projects in communities across North America and the world. These projects include reforestation, renewable energy produced by wind power, and methane capture at dairy farms, landfills, and abandoned coal mines. carbon credits help fund the development and operation of these projects. All Terrapass projects meet the highest quality, monitoring, and independent verification standards. To learn more about the projects in our current portfolio, please visit our Project Portfolio.

How does Terrapass ensure that its offset projects are really making a difference?

We do this in several ways. Before adding a project to our portfolio, we perform due diligence to understand the impact of each project fully. Once in our portfolio, we monitor the projects and verify all of the emissions reductions that are occurring. Finally, all projects in our portfolio must pass the “additionality” test. Additionally, it refers to whether your carbon credit purchase brings about carbon reductions or whether the reductions would have occurred regardless. If the carbon credit purchase is a critical factor in driving the reductions, the reductions are said to be “additional” to the business-as-usual case. By verifying and checking at each step, we remain committed to ensuring our projects are clearing the air. Learn more about Terrapass’ Project Portfolio accountability.

Is Terrapass independently audited and verified?

Yes. To ensure maximum transparency and accountability, every Terrapass carbon credit purchase is verified by an accredited and independent third party at the project level when and where the credits are created. In addition, our total carbon credit portfolio is subject to a separate periodic review by a different accredited and independent third party. Read more about our verification practices and standards.

What is carbon tax?

Carbon tax is a form of carbon pricing. It is a pricing surcharge on goods, services, processes, and activities contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. The amount that users are required to pay is determined through carbon pricing. It can be imposed at various levels of government and impact individuals and organizations differently. It is a way to have users of carbon fuels pay for the climate damage caused by burning fossil fuels.

What do I get when I purchase carbon credits?

A carbon credit represents a verified reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. Your purchase is confirmed through email, and you will receive a certificate. If you are offsetting an event or wedding, we will customize a certificate to display during your event.

How do you calculate my carbon emissions?

Our driving emissions calculator uses fuel economy data from the Environmental Protection Agency to estimate the miles per gallon of your car or truck. By coupling this information with an estimate of the number of miles driven, we can determine how many gallons of gas have been used. From here, converting gallons of gas to pounds of carbon dioxide is a simple calculation. If the final figure seems higher than you expected, remember that gasoline triples in weight when burned and turned into carbon dioxide.

Our home energy emissions calculator asks you to input your ZIP code and average energy bill data. With this, we can accurately estimate your annual energy consumption. We then convert this estimate of your total annual energy consumption into an estimate of carbon dioxide emissions. Although this technique yields a good approximation, you can refine the result by entering more specific data.

Our flight emissions calculator asks you to input the origin and destination for any flights you want to offset. We then calculate the distance of each of these flights. By applying standard factors for fuel consumption during airline flights provided by the World Resource Institute, we can convert your total flight miles into estimated carbon dioxide emissions.

Offset Your Activities

Terrapass offers custom carbon offset solutions for Georgia residents and business owners so all of life’s moments can be enjoyed to the fullest.






